About Me

Thanks for visiting me

Wide experience as a developer of backend technologies within the JVM, such as Groovy, J2EE and Spring framework. Capacity to improve the quality of projects through extreme programming techniques such as TDD, code refactoring, code reviews and pair programming. Knowledge in different technologies like Ruby, Javascript, HTML5 ... overall easy to work with different programming languages and technology stacks, the challenges have never been a professional problem.

Interest in machine learning, artificial intelligence, functional programming.

Experience in the development of workshops and talks to improve technological skills in teams, development process improvement. I enjoy performing Katas and be envolving in code retreats and Coding Dojos.

What work i do?

Within the software development and agile methodologies as the main focus of my work I can help your business in different ways.

Software Development

I can develop your product or work as a contractor joining to your team for as long as necessary.

Improve Team Skills

I can accompany your team to improve their technical skills, working practices of extreme programming to help develop and improve teams.


Technical training workshops. I can help with the definition of MVP in startups.

Why Me?

My experience and skills in software development are a guarantee of success, helping you develop your project and collaborate with your team and improve their technical skills.